Author Archives: Steph

Boys & Girls Club breaks ground on future Ripon site

RIPON, WI (May 1, 2024) – CD Smith has began construction on the Gries Architectural Group, Inc. designed Boys & Girls Club of the Tri-County Area Ripon location.  Completion is planned for summer 2025. To read the entire story from the Ripon Press, follow the link below:  

Construction underway for Fabick Cat’s new 100,000-square-foot facility

GREEN BAY, WI (Dec 13, 2023) – Miron Construction, Inc. has began construction on the Gries Architectural Group, Inc. designed Fabick Cat Green Bay facility.  Fabick Cat expects to open its doors in early 2025.  To read the entire story from the Green Bay Press Gazette, follow the link below:

Fabick Cat Breaks Ground on New Facility in Green Bay

GREEN BAY, WI (Oct. 3, 2023) – Fabick Cat broke ground on the site of its new 100,000-square-foot facility in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Designed by Gries Architectural Group Inc., this modern facility with cutting-edge technology will house offices, repair shop, oil lab, and parts department. We are looking forward to the construction process and 2025 projected

Gries Architectural Group has changed the face of the Fox River Valley (and beyond) over the last 40 years

Gries Architectural Group Inc. is delighted to announce its 40th anniversary as a leading architectural firm in the Fox River Valley and surrounding area. Founded by Steve Gries (President) in 1983, as Stephen Gries Associate Architects, Inc., this full-service architectural firm has expanded its reach to include Western Wisconsin & parts of Minnesota, with the

Gries Architectural Group Inc. Opens Hudson Office

Brannin Gries of Gries Architectural Group Inc. is pleased to announce the opening of a second office in Hudson, WI. Principal Architect Brannin Gries commented, “The opening of our Hudson office allows us to continue to build on the over 30 years of service in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and surrounding states, supported by our office of